Is feng shui superstition?

YES – for those who do not believe in the influence of energy and intuition. It's understandable, especially for individuals who walk into a room and perceive every space – whether a room, a house, or an office – to feel entirely identical. For those who have never encountered that subtle sense that something is amiss but find it challenging to pinpoint the cause. And for those who are hesitant to explore the origins of their discomfort when there's no apparent reason for it. I empathize with these sentiments. Describing and rationalizing the concepts of energy and gut feelings can be challenging.

All about “qi”

Feng Shui, for those less familiar with it, is an ancient Chinese practice rooted in the belief that the arrangement of objects and spaces can significantly impact the flow of energy, or "Qi." It seeks to harmonize this energy to promote well-being, balance, and prosperity in various aspects of life.

My personal discovery journey

I must confess that when I embarked on my journey to study Feng Shui, I, too, had reservations. I entered this realm with an open mind, receptive ears, and an open heart. As I began to apply Feng Shui principles within my own family, I witnessed profound and positive changes. Initially, I attributed these transformations to mere coincidence. The same thought crossed my mind when they occurred a second time. However, by the third instance, I found myself exclaiming, "OMG, it's truly working!" From that point forward, I could both witness and experience its effects with my clients. The astounding transformations they underwent left me feeling profoundly grateful for the opportunity to assist them.

Feng shui is not touchable

I also acknowledge the initial skepticism that often surrounds Feng Shui. The idea of energy work, something intangible and beyond tactile perception, can be challenging to accept. It is an experience-based phenomenon rather than something readily explained. I invite you to share your perspectives on Feng Shui via my Instagram. I am eager to hear about your personal encounters and insights regarding the world of Feng Shui. Your experiences could shed light on the power it holds to positively impact our lives.

Go to my resources and take the quiz “How Zen is your home?” to get the status of your house.

Follow me on Instagram @anjialivingcom to receive tips and tricks on Feng Shui and clutter-free living. See you there!


Creating a sanctuary in your home with Tatami